Announcement: This is not formated like the original, and the reason for that is for compatibility issues.
Warning: Don't steal. That's cringe. Feel free to share though.
On these horrid nights, I march onto deathly battle, calm, knowing we'll meet again.
The dark tundra filled with men, who just wanted to return home, lay there, never to say their goodbyes.
My love, to whom I write this letter, I know you are sad, laying there, next to the empty bedside, awaiting my return.
The dark skies echo of screams, with stars dimly twinkling in the dark sky. Bullets whistle across the skies, as if to greet me.
I'm not saddened nor scared, on this deathly night, for we'll meet again, Whether in this life, or in the next.
On these horrid nights, I close my eyes while I fight, so I don't relive the horrors that I've done.
My love, I know you miss me, awake every night staring at the crib.
I write this letter not to say goodbye, for I'll fight until my last breath, to repel them from Stalingad, and to return home to you, my love.
On these horrid nights, the temperature goes below zero. Some die from the cold, Others, from the fighting.
Some try to leave, But they are shot by their officers.
Time flies by, Day by day, each feeling like the last.
And so, I am writing this final letter, to let you know that you are not alone, and that one day I'll come back.